Bringing you a cute life style. ❤

At the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, there are many organizations to pick from. But what makes V.S.O.U.L. (Vietnamese Student Organization at University of Louisiana) great is that they spread awareness of the Vietnamese culture among the students and beyond at UL at Lafayette.

V.S.O.U.L. is open to a diverse group of members. They welcome everybody, including people from other schools. They hold many types of events, such as social, volunteering, and cultural. For example, they have game nights, potluck, picnics, sports and even educational trips. For volunteering events, they have bake sales, offered to help rebuild houses for flood victims, and feeding the homeless through Saint Joseph’s Diner. For cultural events, they serve authentic Asian cuisines, cultural dance nights, and lantern crafting.

One of the cultural events that they host is Cultural Night. This event showcases Vietnamese traditional dancing, fashion, music, and delicacies. Cultural Night gives a quick insight on what Vietnamese culture is all about. One of the best ways Cultural Night achieves this is by hosting a fashion show. The fashion show showcases of variety of traditional Vietnamese dresses.

Photo credit to
Cultural night. 2016. Photo credit to VSOUL group via

Another cultural event is Paper Lantern and Pho Night. For this event, V.S.O.U.L. charges a very small admission fee of $5 for participants who want to experience Vietnamese culture for a good cause. For just $5, people who participate get to enjoy learning how to make paper lanterns and are also treated to a delicious bowl of pho! These paper lanterns are not only beautiful, but are also a traditional part of the Asian culture. Similarly, the delicious bowl of pho is a popular Vietnamese dish. You may wonder why this is all for a good cause. That's because all admission fees goes to charity. For last year's event, all proceeds went to Kids Without Borders.

Photo credit to
Students crafting lanterns out of paper. 2015. Photo credit to

I took the time to interview the President, the Public Relations Officer, and a member of V.S.O.U.L. I was curious to learn about their purpose in this organization. The first short interview was with Rich Nguyen, the Public Relations Officer. I asked what was the purpose of V.S.O.U.L. His response was, “the purpose for V.S.O.U.L. is to spread the Vietnamese culture around campus and to raise money for their CPP in Vietnam.” CPP stands for Collective Philanthropy Project. The CPP is a collective project used to unify charities gathered by different college organizations to work towards a similar goal. Rich also stated that they “also promote family”. What he meant by this is that “all of (their) members help each other out and talk to each other”.

Interview with the Public Relations Officer, Rich Nguyen, talks about the purpose of the organization. Sept. 21, 2016

The next person I interviewed was Tori Tauzin, a member of V.S.O.U.L, who explained her view on the organization. She stated that she joined mainly for sports because she wanted to play soccer. According to Tori, she said, “As it kind of went on, I started making connections and getting friends.”

Interview with a V.S.O.U.L. member, Tori Tauzin, talks about her experiences in the organization. Sept. 21, 2016

The last person I interviewed was Maxim J. Lim, the president of V.S.O.U.L. He explained how the organization affects the community. He said he wanted to let people know that they can come from different backgrounds and still bond together. The bonding experience is important to V.S.O.U.L. Maxim pointed out that he’s “not even Vietnamese and (he) is the president of V.S.O.U.L.”

Interview with the president of V.S.O.U.L., Maxim J. Lim, who explains how the organization affects the community. Sept. 22, 2016

At V.S.O.U.L., students will be able to communicate and exchange ideas and experiences vital to growth and success of the organization. So if you want to join an organization that values diversity while learning about a culture, the Vietnamese Student Organization at University of Louisiana is right for you.

For more information about V.S.O.U.L., follow them on social media!
- v.soull

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V.S.O.U.L. members host Thai Tea and Egg Roll Day. 2015. Photo credit to

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V.S.O.U.L. members host Viet Week - Canes, Pho and Lantern Night. 2015. Photo credit to

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Students on campus signing up for V.S.O.U.L. 2016. Photo credit to

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V.S.O.U.L.'s first general meeting in 2016; students signing in for attendance. Photo credit to

Posted by tinacao at 11:47 PM | 0 comments
Hi Everyone!!! I have not been updating at all lately... shame on me. >__< ! It is that I have been so busy with just family things, getting things ready for the convention soon, work and so on! You know blogging takes quite a while to do! xD Hehehhe! but I am posting a small post today, just so you guys know I am still alive and whatnot.. hahaha! or follow me on Instagram @tina_cao ! I promise though, on my next post, there will be tons of things I want to show all of you cute gals out there! ;D You can just say it is a early birthday present to myself... is to buy quite a haul~ but at a low price!

My birthday is coming soon too.. (the 27th!) and I'll be taking some blog-quality photos! hahaha! . . . but okay.. to the post! :) I always loved Pokémon since I was like what--? 5th grade... and my boyfriend's little brother gave me some of his cards, because they were so cute! soooo this is my top 1O cutest cards :D !!!!


Can't hold it in huh? You had to say 'awwwwwwww' or 'ahhhhhh shoooo' cutes~' . Yup, I know. Gotta love this penguin, bird, chicken, lookin' self. ;___;


Bellossum!So lady-like and floral! I love my floral! So she made it in my top 1O! :D


Mantine!If you ever played any of the Pokémon games and heard Mantine's cry.. OMG.. replay!!! It's too cute!


Bidoof!Bidoof, nuff said. Too doof derpity doof doof which translates to 'cute!!!!!!!!' :D


Growlithe!One of my FAVES of allll times and yearsssss~ I always wanted a real life pup like Growlithe~


Roselia!Another floral type Pokémon... far tooo cuteee~


Squirtle!Ahhhh! Everyone loves our Squirtle!!!!!! :) Can't resist!!!!


Shinx!Yeah.. Surprise?! Shinx has made it! I wish Pokémons were real.. I'd climb the highest mountains or go through the deepest dangerous rain forests to catch one of these cute things. Hahahhaha


Eevee!Too damn cute, makes me wanna cry.. but I love Eevee! and all his evolutions!!


Spheal!Yep... Spheal is my #1.. because he is a seal.. not JUST a seal.. but a Spheal.. and ROUND. Freakin' adorable. Please, somebody sell me a plushy of him!!!!!!!!!

there you have it... what I personally chose out of 48302948320948320948320943209 Pokémon CARDS that I love the most and think is the darn cutest things! :) Ahhh~ *scrolls back up* hehehehhe lol So cute! but yes~ ok people! Until next time! After my birthday and MechaCon will be posting!!!! :) Keep a look out~

Posted by tinacao at 10:55 PM | 0 comments
Did somebody say "strawberry ice cream??????" ! Hahahaha, I did!! --- Well, you read right! I had a blast making some home made strawberry ice cream with one of my good friends, Katie!!! Hi Katie!! *waves* lol! We have step-by-step pictures to show you how to make easy, simple, strawberry ice cream! It's so yummm!!! and fresh~ ! So anyways, let's begin! ^___________^

Ingredients ! ! !

2 lbs. of strawberries!
Half an orange!
Half a lemon!
1 1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream!
2/3 cup of water!
1 cup of sugar!

Now... we can get started!!! ^___^

---- First, you want to get your strawberries and rinse them out well and cut majority of them in half or small bits and also their leafs, because we will puree them later on ! Keep a few 'good lookin ones' for decoration later! xD

Okay... now let's make a quick, simple syrup! To start on it, combine 1 cup of sugar to 2/3 cups of water in a small pot~ Turn on the stove top to high and stir the mixture until sugar is dissolved!

Continue stirring the mixture until it begins to boil! and when it does ~ stop stirring and let it boil for 5 minutes! Keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't burn now. >__^

When 5 minutes has passed, turn the heat off and let it cool!

While that does what it needs to do... let's get started on smashing some strawberries.. Sounds sad huh? Poor strawberries... ---- OH WELL! :D lol!

Take a potato masher or something that is similar~ (you could also use a blender, but make sure its at a good thick, chunky, consistency.. maybe a few pulses!) and start squishing all of the strawberries until a thick-like consistency~

Mash, mash, and more mashing til you get some juicyyyy goodness out of it~ >:D

Should end up looking like a good looking puree~ ^___^

The point of doing all this so we can get all unnecessary pulp or seeds be drained out so the ice cream can be smoooooooth~ SOOO... use a nylon strainer and scoop spoonfuls of your mashed strawberries into the strainer and push through using the back of a spoon! Scrape out the pulp that doesn't go through and set aside in a separate bowl! You can use the 'scraps' for smoothies later , so you can pop them in the freezer later for it.

Smooooooothhh-like puree ready to be concoction with the rest of the ingredients! Mwahahahhaa~~*evil laughter. . . . . yeah.. lol~ -__-" Anyways, go ahead and make sure your simple syrup is cooled completely and just add them into the strained strawberries! Stir it!! :)

Go ahead and take your half orange and start squeeeezing the crap out of it! Make sure there aren't any seeds that will ninja their way into the mixture! Using a tool, like in the picture, to juice is much more effiecient then just squeezing by hand! Unless you're Hulk, or like him, GO FOR IT!!! :D (unlike me & Katie... we are weaklings :'( ... LMAO) If you don't have the tool, that's okay too! Use a fork! :D That'll work!~ Hehehehhehe!

Don't forget the lemon. :) Just a half only... and stir!

Okay... so let's make some whip cream! ^^ Pour 1 1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream into a bowl and just whisk it until stiff peak format! (which means once you lift up your whisk, the cream is stiff !) You can either whisk by hand or using an electric mixer. :) Try not to over whisk it or it'll turn into butter... =X Had that done before... LOL!

Fold the whipped cream into the strawberry mixter and stir it! ^__^ Don't whisk it!

When everything is combined, pour the mixture into your ice cream maker and turn it on! It should take about an hour or so~ If you don't have a machine, just pour the mixture into a freezer safe container and put it in the freezer instead. :) Yes.. that'll have to stay in the freezer for an hour or so too. lol Sorry! Hahahha!

Soooo... what now? ..........

------Intermission with P.G. the 'Spanker' Spaniel!!!-------

*aplausssseeee* *claps* Isn't he cute?! Bahahahhahaha!! You can also drag the pictures to the URL address bar to make them appear larger!! :)


OKAY! :D Intermission with P.G. is over so now let's check on that ice creaaaam~

Ahhhhh~ Great ice cream consistency! ^___^ So happy!

Add that cute whole strawberry on top! Add a dollop of your home-made whip cream... and enjoy your FRESH~ yummy HOME MADE ice cream!!!!!!!!!!! Ta-da!!!! (Yes, I know it could've looked better but man!! We were hungry for some dessert!!!!) xD but we hope you enjoyed reading this post until next time for more awesome ones AND your delicious ice cream! Yes!! Feel accomplished! Hehehe, right Katie?! :D

lmfao yes. P.G. is going nuts and ignore the big breasted mannequin in the background. ahhaha

Have a good weekend, you guys!

Posted by tinacao at 1:38 AM | 0 comments