Actually, lately, I have been playing this game called 'Gravity Rush' for the Playstation Vita. I've been hooked. Meh, since I brought it up, maybe I should do a quick review! Just a gist of it on how I like it so far. Ya? Scroll down a lil' bit if you'd like to skip it. lol but anyways...
Okay, so far into this game.. I love the art work, I love the story line, and I especially LOVE the main character.. which is Kat (which I decided I will be cosplay-ing her @ MechaCon this year in New Orleans, yeeee!!!). As I got into the game a bit more, she reminded me a little bit of ME!! hahaha if you have the Vita and have played the demo.. it starts out when she's just in town and you don't know where the hell you're at.. and you see a black kitty cat.. and you pretty much just follow it and begin the story.. somewhat.. and you can pretty much control/shift gravity and fly around everywhere, neat eh? Hahhaa it gets neater... some things I dislike in the game is the actual attack moves are just too flimsy.. it kind of frustrates me. Just TRYING to control her directional moves are just aggravating sometimes. Monsters are everywhere and you are constantly shifting gravity, rotating your Vita around, (it is motion sensor) and trying to attack. Meh, you just gotta play it.. but if you have been or do play it then you know what I'm talking about. Other than that, it's fun, great story line so far, you'll be sucked into it! It's extremely OPEN world! Not those crappy linear games where it gets no where and boring. -.- Hahaha~ if you don't have it. GET IT. If you do have it... good for you!!!! That's all about 'Gravity Rush' for now... moving along...
Recently, I visited the Insectarium for the first time!! I've been wanting to go for the longest! It's located in New Orleans near Magazine St. ! So finally, we got a group and enjoyed the time there! I actually learned a lot from the place!!! Did you know that mosquito's are/has been the most deadliest flying insect TO HUMANS?! They carry pathogens (bad bacteria), or disease agents like Malaria! which KILLED MORE PEOPLE WORLDWIDE THAN ALL WARS TO DATE COMBINED!! CRAZY FUNKERS!!!! We gotta be careful about that West Nile! It's a virus causes a type of encephalitis and in some cases, death. :X So put that 10000000% deet on you before you go outdoor galore.
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--My twin, Anthony! bwahahha and my cutesy boyfriend behind him. -.-
--Ants :D
and oh my goodness... I actually ate bugs!!!! hahaha, and you know what? It was pretty damn GOOD! lol I ate a cricket and some meal worms.. I'd say the cricket was my favorite.. it tasted like a sunflower seed. lol! Too bad I didn't take any pictures of myself actually eating one.. cause normally I'm the camera-men -__- hahaha~ but I did took some cute pictures of my friends/boyfriend!!
---Vuong, Phu, Imo, Thanh (wth Trang at the bottom?! LOL) BEFORE picture... haha
--- Scorpion lollipop anyone?!
--- I got to see actual cocoons!! and a butterfly was coming out of it!!!!! It was SOOOO neat!!!
--- We were so damn into it... LOL
and that's pretty much the Bug Museum.. hahah to top it all off! Half of the group went ahead and got some dessert! ^___^ We went to a hot spot in New Orleans for desserts called 'Sucre' (suu-kray) ... it was a cute place!! I am talkin' about pastel galore in there! UGH! I just wanna live in there... lol
--- Trang got herself some goodies!!!
--- hehehe whadda fat ass. ;P
Well.. until next time, guys!! More desserts!! Hahahhaha... no .. =|
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